A Splash of 21 Humor

Make it fun! Life, that is.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Day 3: Beach Bums & Zeus

Sunday was a relaxing day. Dan cooked breakfast for me and we spent half the day on the beach. I spent the afternoon with Kristi and her family at the lagoon beach on Atlantis. Dan and Miguel left us for the afternoon to cheer the Saints and the Titans on to victory at the sports bar (have you noticed the common theme of the daily visit to the sports bar, yet?)

One of the cooler things I saw today was the feeding of Atlantis' giant manta ray, Zeus. Atlantis is a virtual waterworld, built around an aquarium of sorts. This particular manta ray is 8' across and eats 15 lbs. of food twice a day. He does backwards somersaults after eating because he is happy (see pics).

Kristi's family hosted a pizza dinner in their suite for everyone since it was their last night there. The newlyweds and Dan and I are the only ones staying the whole week. Fun hanging with the fam!

Ended the night with gambling and drinking.


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