A Splash of 21 Humor

Make it fun! Life, that is.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Christianity Gone Terribly Wrong

Notre Dame is so freakin full of themselves (way more than Penn State) ... I snagged this photo off the internet to share with you all. It's the carved facade over the entrance of their church on campus (to which I was unhappily drug along to tour by my Catholic ex-bf, I might add).

All this media coverage about ND tradition is driving me nuts. Let me enlighten you... we were playing the game first. Penn State's first season - 1885. Notre Dame - 1887. JoePa IS tradition. Don't even go there.

And if I hear any more BS about "Touchdown Jesus" and them being "God's Team," I might have to find a new religion.

(*just as a side note, although I strongly dislike this team, I will always love a certain few ND fans and respect their love of the blue and gold... the Delutises, Dave Williams, hmm... that would be about it.)


  • At 5:34 PM, Blogger Emmy said…

    God's Team, huh? I think Dan Brown's next religious-riot-invoking book should talk about how silly those Fighting Irish must feel now that the world knows they should be worshipping Touchdown Mary Magdalene. Can I getta "We Are!"

  • At 9:29 AM, Blogger Kristina said…

    You crack me the hell up! And you still stand solid at an 18, dude. The Most Improved 21-Humor Award definitely goes to EMS...


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