Christianity Gone Terribly Wrong
Notre Dame is so freakin full of themselves (way more than Penn State) ... I snagged this photo off the internet to share with you all. It's the carved facade over the entrance of their church on campus (to which I was unhappily drug along to tour by my Catholic ex-bf, I might add).
All this media coverage about ND tradition is driving me nuts. Let me enlighten you... we were playing the game first. Penn State's first season - 1885. Notre Dame - 1887. JoePa IS tradition. Don't even go there.
And if I hear any more BS about "Touchdown Jesus" and them being "God's Team," I might have to find a new religion.
(*just as a side note, although I strongly dislike this team, I will always love a certain few ND fans and respect their love of the blue and gold... the Delutises, Dave Williams, hmm... that would be about it.)
At 5:34 PM, Emmy said…
God's Team, huh? I think Dan Brown's next religious-riot-invoking book should talk about how silly those Fighting Irish must feel now that the world knows they should be worshipping Touchdown Mary Magdalene. Can I getta "We Are!"
At 9:29 AM, Kristina said…
You crack me the hell up! And you still stand solid at an 18, dude. The Most Improved 21-Humor Award definitely goes to EMS...
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