A Splash of 21 Humor

Make it fun! Life, that is.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Moving Right Along!

My new sofa & loveseat! (no, this is not my living room... it's the catalog pic of the furniture)

My weekend was dedicated to the new apartment. Dan and I worked really hard at cleaning and moving stuff in... (next weekend will be the official move-in date after I've cleaned everything top to bottom and have painted the bedroom).

On Friday I went to check out used stuff at my mom's friend's friend's mother's house... (try and follow that one.. haha). They're moving this lady into a retirement community and selling a lot of furniture. I bought a really nice hardwood dresser and a table chair for $35 total! A steal!

Dan and I spent Saturday morning yardsale-ing for furniture. We parted ways in the afternoon and I spent the afternoon visiting every furniture store in Harrisburg, searching for my dream living room furniture. Ninety percent of the stuff out right now is made with microfiber (which I hate). I decided to splurge on my living room furniture because I want my living room to be bright and cheerful. I ended up buying a beautiful soft red leather sofa and loveseat (above). I'll have it in 2-6 weeks.

On Sunday I took another load of stuff over and cleaned all day. Dan lined all my cupboards and I washed a bunch of the dishes, too. Can't wait to have my housewarming BBQ and dinner parties!


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