A Splash of 21 Humor

Make it fun! Life, that is.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Today's "Idiot Award"

"Apple Automotive - Serving York Counties Automotive Needs for 21 Years!"

Boy, nothing makes a company lose credibility in my book like bad spelling/grammar permanently painted on the back of all of its work vans! Today's Idiot Award goes to Apple Automotive. (I took this winning shot from the camera phone while I was driving to work this morning).

Now, I know that we all have our days that we make mistakes. But there should be a higher level of accountability for a business... people should be checking this stuff before making it permanent. How many folks missed this mistake as it made its way through the chain of command?

For some reason, I love seeing written mistakes on moving vehicles and other official things (ads, newspapers, etc.) Maybe it makes me feel smart that I noticed the error and they didn't? Don't know.

I'd have to say that my favorite grammar mistake that I've ever seen on a moving vehicle would have to be on the back of a landscaping truck last summer proclaiming how their company was the leader in the industry... and their slogan surely proves this (note the sarcasm). It read something like this: "Johnson's Landscaping and Maintenance - You're number one choice in professional yard maintenance!"


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