A Splash of 21 Humor

Make it fun! Life, that is.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Weirdness on the Road (yet again!)

What kind of week would it be without me seeing weirdness on the road? Here are the four most recent...


1. A truck towing a behind-the-truck transport trailer made from none other than another truck's bed... that's right. These people sliced a truck bed off, soldered some sort of metal to the front of it where the truck cab used to be, soldered a hitch on it, hooked it up to their full-size truck and presto! Good to go.

2. A pickup truck towing a car behind it with a ROPE attached to each vehicle's bumper. The hilarious thing was that I saw this while the getup was driving through an intersection and making a turn... there was actually a dude in the car being towed steering it. Now that's safe.


3. I saw an older car with Indian prayer flags strung from the front right window to the left rear... beautiful, yes... but how does he see out? Maybe we all should be praying for him.

4. A woman mowing a yard (with a push mower) wearing yellow rubber gloves. And the point is? I can understand maybe a face mask or earmuffs to block the sound, but gloves? The only thing i can figure is that she must be a hand model. Yeah... a York County hand model. Explain that one to me.


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