The Sex Quotes: “Sex in the front yard... hmmmmmm...." -Anonymous
“I love the hummers.” – Jenn
“Do we got balls? We got them from FSU…” - Anonymous
“I raped AJ Nicholson.” – FSU Fan
"Forced Sex University" - Some guy's sign
“Orange you glad you didn't get raped by AJ Nicholson…” - Another guy's sign
Ben- “Be all you can be Dave.” Dave- “Later tonight, if you hear me say I'm in the army now, don't look up.”
“They're gonna have sex tonight. Winner on top.” - Ben describing a PSU/FSU couple.
“Can I touch ‘em too?” - Kristin Z.
“It's just like cutting up dead people.” - Jenn on cutting up raw chicken
“Actually, could you take it out? I don't want my hands to smell like meat. " - Jess
“Bring on the meat.” - Kristina
Cait- “Get it up.” Mike- “I am trying to get it up, Cait!”
“Nice rack!”- Jeff to some dude
“I wouldn't sleep with him even if I were dead…” – Kristina
“Those are some hardcore balls.” – Doug
“Go big or go home.” – Jenn
“There's gotta be a hole you can stick it in somewhere.” - Mike
“That's it? It's so tiny!” - Kristin Z to Mike
“Honey, is it because I'm too fat that it hurts?” – Keith
The Strip-N-Slide / Late Night Swimming Quotes:
“Strip & Slide” – BJ
“If you're going to cover anything, cover your mouth.” – Tori, on naked late night strip and slide
“No one will believe it when they get pregnant on the strip and slide…” -Mike, about coed naked strip and slide
“Did you have a good time at the Orange Bowl? I don't know, ask me in nine months...” – Mike
“Mankind would be fucked if my nipples flew into the sun…” – Doug
Mike- “If shrinkage were a contest, I'd totally win.” Doug- “Don't be so sure about that…”
Other Fun Quotes:“Do you believe in miracles?” - Doug on the keg of Yuengling showing up from above
“I could grab your shit if you wanna hug.” – Kristina
“Who was that 35 year old woman you were with?” – Anonymous
“Now it's a load-bearing flamingo.” - Zack on people taking pics with the flamingos
“The keg doesn’t like me because I’m white…” – Keith
"It's Gary Coleman plus 4 feet.” - Alex Davis
Doug- “So, for a #1, how many squares?” Erica- “About 15.” Doug- “Are you serious?” Erica- “Yes, I want to make sure everything is clean!” - talking about toilet paper...
“Just give me a wiener and a beer!” – Terri
“Tilden's like a rolled up rug... he's feeling your sisters boobs!” - Some kid we can't remember
“Why do I want to retire? I could be here or shoveling snow at home.” - Joe Pa
“But it's ours and I'm going to take it!”- Joe Pa
“Tequila gets me really messed up…” - Cassie, age 19
“I puked on my way here.” - James
“If it were up to me, we'd be playing a double header. Today- Texas in the morning and USC tonight.” - Joe Pa
“I love freshmen!” – Jack