A Splash of 21 Humor

Make it fun! Life, that is.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Death by Beef Stroganoff?

Beef Stroganoff. A seemingly innocent dish. And yet, Dan and I unknowingly played Russian roulette (no pun intended) with our dinner on Wednesday.

I've been trying to cook more because the cook of my relationship is still a bit laid up with the achilles injury. I decided I wanted to make the classic Russian meal, beef stroganoff, for dinner this week.

I chopped the ingredients and sauted them on the stove top just like the recipe required. Then I got to the final phase, "simmer covered on the stovetop for 15 minutes." I happened to be cooking this concoction in my big wok-like pan (great wide base, tall sides, and non-stick) because it is wonderful, but I neglected to remember that I don't have a lid or any substitution lid nearly large enough to fit it. Dan's suggestion - "Honey, use your pizza pan. Just flip it over and leave a crack for the steam / heat to escape."

Sounds good in theory. In reality, when I removed the pizza pan "lid" 15 minutes later, the surface was melted and rusty-looking, and had this weird wet metallic-looking-and-tasting residue (yes, I tasted it). Was the food ruined? Would I need a tetnus shot if I ate it?

After much discussion and a call to my mom, we decided it was probably fine to eat. I'm still alive today, so hopefully I haven't done irreparable damage to me or my boyfriend.

As a side note, if you have chemistry/physics/science background and you know that I killed brain cells or will experience liver damage in a week or anything of the like, please don't mention it to me. I'd rather be living in ignorance...

The stroganoff was that good.

Wild Turkey

I almost hit these guys on the way home from the post office today. They were huge and had gobblers and were crossing the road when I rounded the bend! I had to slam on my brakes so I didn't hit them (and I think Dan was upset that I didn't bring home dinner...haha).

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

L.A. Weekend

Wow. I just finished reading Emmy's blog recap of my weekend in Los Angeles with her and Marcia and I'm rolling on the ground laughing. I think she pretty much covered it all in typical glorious Emily detail (wink, wink). I just want to add how funny my friends are... I think we basically laughed for three days straight about stupid things. I really appreciate all the time and thought they put into coordinating my mini-trip to visit them.

A few photos and comments:

- Nothing can replace quality girlfriend bonding.

- Loved loved loved San Diego and the Hotel Del Coronado (the scene of Some Like It Hot) but hate hate hate my terrible sunburn.

- Rollercoasters are meant to be ridden with the Chili Peppers blaring at your head - no other coaster experience could even come close.

- Only Marcia (who never swore until recently) would have two men in her life with names like "Coche" and "Biche."

Much love!

Partying at Shag with the girls.

Me in front of the Del. No, there were no millionaires on the beach on Saturday, nor were there many shells.

Sleeping Beauty, the resident princess of the Disneyland Castle got shafted... it's way smaller than Cinderella's Castle in DisneyWorld.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Viva Las Vegas

I spent the last week in Las Vegas on a work trip (not too shabby!). Since the company rented our condo for the entire week, a few of my co-workers and myself went out early to relax and take on the town. I left Dan on Friday and flew to Las Vegas with Vince (relatively new coworker). We met up with Scott (coworker), John (brand new coworker), and Danielle (Scott's gf) on the Strip. They're all 23-24 and fun.

They had big plans for the evening and I was in the mood to drink and dance, so I agreed to joining them. It's kind of funny... my co-workers are all nice, agreeable people, but I have very little in common with them (they're Armani - I'm thrift store. They're hip hop listeners - I'm into acoustic folk and Jimmy Buffett. etc.). Still, I had a fun time dancing till dawn with them at Jet (the club in the Mirage).

The highlight of the week was the food - five-star restaurants every night and some of the most fantastic food and fine wine (I have a totally new appreciation for Pinot Noir) I've ever tasted. Whoo hoo, business expense account! True to form, however, the best meal of my week was the $15 Cuban food Emmy and I bought in the 'hood in L.A. (see next blog entry). I think I just love real life and real living... and five-star life just doesn't seem all that real to me.

After a grueling work week, Emmy rolled into town (L.A. is only 4 hours from Vegas!!) and whisked me off in Sammy (her Suburu) through the desert to Hollywood and our next adventure.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Does this make me Helen?

"Tell Dan there's a movie about him - it's called 'Troy'," Apryle told me this past weekend.

Unfortunately it's true - Dan tore his achilles tendon, had surgery, and was kind of laid up for the past two weeks. After a few wipeouts on the crutches (not gonna lie... alcohol was involved), he's getting around ok now and has minimal pain. He'll be walking again in a few weeks and able to rejoin the F&T crew for the 2008 season.

Just thought I'd put that out there for those of you who have been asking me about his injury and recovery.