A Splash of 21 Humor

Make it fun! Life, that is.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Kristina's First Flood

I took these photos around 7 pm Wednesday night... the water is significantly higher now (Thursday morning).

Entrance to New Cumberland Borough Park. The flooded F&T field is in the distance!

Flooded New Cumberland Borough Park (notice the ducks swimming on the field, guys!)

Water level up to the base of the Iron Bridge (it's under water this morning).

Entrance to the boat docks on the river (water is now up to the saw horse).

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

New Cumberland Flooding = Hell

(click on the photo for an enlarged view of the current)

Well guys, my worst fears were realized. Last night when I got home from dinner with Dan and the 'rents, my apartment floor was well on its way to being completely flooded (due to the excessive amount of rain we have received in the past 6 days). Apparently this is the largest quantity of rain Southcentral PA has received in the last 100 years of recorded weather history. Because I live close to the river and two large creeks, the area is prone to flooding... my biggest problem, however, was that the house's gutters weren't functioning properly and thus sending all excess rainfall down to the foundation and into my pad. What a wet, muddy mess.

It was a race against time as the water slowly crept in. 1/2" to 1.5" of water total throughout the floor of the place by the time we were done... Luckily I have great men in my life that came to my rescue. I worked frantically to unload and clear all my furniture (book cases, tv stand, etc.) and get stuff to higher ground while Dan, Dad, and Doug gathered as many cinder blocks and bricks as they could find. After things were cleared out (stacked in the dry laundry room and on any available counter space in the apartment), we blocked all my furniture up off the ground. I was having a heart attack over my new leather furniture. Thank God it sits higher and on water-resistant legs. No damage. We finished around 2 am and stood outside in the rain drinking beer before calling it a night. (nothing like drowning your sorrows in Yuengling in the middle of a flood!!)

The landlord is working to get the water out and clean the place today, but it looks like I'll be living with Dan for a few until I can go home, clean out, and put things back.

As with all trauma comes some humor, however. Two particularly funny conversations...

Dad: We need to get the most expensive things up first. OK guys, let's do the couches.
(couches blocked)
Dad: Alright. Next, let's block up the entertainment stand (it's cherry and very nice). That's probably the second-most expensive piece in here.
Dan: (laughing) Are you kidding?
Dad: No, why?
Dan: She bought that at a yard sale for $5!
The men had a good laugh over this.

Doug: I felt like a fireman or something! There I was at poker night and I get this frenzied phone call... I get off the phone and say, "Guys, sorry. I have to cash out. I'm needed."

My landlord has since cleared all the water and washed the floors. They knocked money off my rent for next month for the inconvenience and I'm getting free high-speed internet now! Rock!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

F&T: I Love Them!

Have I mentioned lately how much I love these guys?! The 2006 season is well under way and tons of fun... a bunch of new recruits, too!

The First Days of Summer

Life has been pretty slow the past few... here are the most notable moments of the past two weeks...

n Shawn installed my recessed lighting under my kitchen cabinets. Looks FANTASTIC! Very excited.

n I checked out the Celtic Festival in Glen Rock with Dan two weeks ago. We also realized there is a very cool boat dock in New Cumberland. We're seriously thinking about buying kayaks so we can be boating adventurists.

n I had nothing to do this weekend, so I earned some money under-the-table working at the Celtic Fling at the Renaissance Faire with Dan (who of course, wore his kilt). I ran the knife game, right next to his game (the axes). Gotta love throwing sharp weapons in the pouring rain/heavy humidity! Although, this could be a defense skill in the future so I shouldn't complain.

n I finally bought my grill, so you have to come party it up with me, people!

n There have been many beer-drinking, card-playing, cooking nights. Good times.

n I am surviving all this rain, although I have been SOOOOOOO nervous with it all. I've never lived next to a river (one of the widest in the world, some claim!) AND two large creeks, so the threat of flooding & basement leaking is pretty freaky. I may kill someone if my beautiful new furniture is affected or my car floats away... so far, so good. Keep praying for me.

n Heading to the beach this weekend with the fam. Should be fun, though I wish I could stay through the 4th. Fun plans will happen either way, though.

n Rt. 66 in 1.5 weeks!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My Favorite Accessory... and My Partner in Crime!

I was told I wasn't allowed to post this pic, but then when I didn't, I think there was some disappointment... haha... so now I am.

This was taken during my apt. "photo shoot."

Friday, June 16, 2006

Apartment Pics

Since many of you have asked to see pics of the place, here are a few for your viewing pleasure (finally, I know)!

This is my house from the outside (featuring Desdemona!)

I've got a huge Living Room... here are shots from three different angles... gotta love those lovely red couches!

Living Room (pic 2)

Living Room (pic 3)

Kitchen (pic 1)

Kitchen (pic 2)


Bedroom (pic 1)

Bedroom (pic 2)

Bedroom (pic 3)

I also have a couple of closets and a long hallway, but that's not very exciting and not picture-worthy.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Route 66

Getting SO excited for the road trip!!!!!

If you've made the trip before and have any suggestions, please pass them our way.

Check out our new trip blog! - http://route66pirates.blogspot.com

Monday, June 12, 2006

Random Week of Fun

I've had a great week this past week...

It began with a Penn State College of Comm Alumni-only event at Troeg's Brewery on Tuesday. For those of you unfamiliar with the Harrisburg area, Troegs is one of the two microbreweries here. As the event coordinator said, "We knew how to get a bunch of Penn Staters to come out tonight - free beer." Oh so true.

Emily and I sampled all variations on tap, ate some yummy appetizers, and then took the brewery tour with the group of alums. It was an interesting tour, although a little boring --the entire facility is in one big room and there's only so much a drunk person (or a sober person, at that) can do to pay attention when you've been discussing hops for 10 minutes. The most interesting thing on the tour, actually, was the comings and goings of a very Jerry Garcia-looking man wearing big science goggles. He is the in-house microbiologist, apparently, and kept walking by in his shorts and Birkenstocks, taking samples of the fermenting beer out of the stainless steel drums. Emmy and I giggled every time he passed by because he looked so silly and had no regard to the fact that a tour was going on.

We had another round of tasting after the tour and left the place thoroughly drunk. Thank goodness for our DD, Dan. :-)

Weekend Travel/ Ice Cream Shop Employment (sort of)

On Friday I took the train to Philly to see Kristi. We had a great time hanging out and catching up, and found her wedding dress on Saturday! So exciting!! Em met us for dinner, and then Emmy and I continued eastward to the Jersey shore to visit Cait's family for the day. We hung out with her mom and grandpa and helped out in their ice cream store (serving customers and cleaning, mostly) - and we earned $1.75 apiece in tips! It was a wonderful day in Avalon which made us miss our China Girl a ton!!! Might I add how much I love Cait's family?! They are fantastic.

Rt. 66 Road Trip is 1 Month Away!
So finally, this weekend marks one month until the Cool Colors Road Trip - Go West! Planning is well underway for our tour of the Mother Road. We will be seeing some beautiful and inspiring things along with some wacky and bizarre things (I'd have it no other way!). For an excellent summary of what we expect out of the trip, please check out Emily's blog entry entitled "A Cool Color Trip." http://breeze82.blogspot.com/ I will also be posting more about our itinerary as soon as we finalize it (hopefully in the next few days).

Monday, June 05, 2006

Housewarming BBQ

My housewarming barbeque was this past Sunday and was a lovely time... 35 of my favorite family and friends came to check out my new pad and to eat great Zerby-family food! Boy do I ever appreciate what great cooks my mother and her sisters are!!!

I am fortunate enough to have a nice-sized back yard, so not only did I have a big area for food tables, seating and Dan's grill, I was able to put up a full badminton court AND a beer pong table (at which the champions of the day were the Stamms! Who knew Denny P. would be such a sharp-shooter?)!! We had a great time. Thanks to everyone who could make it out!

My first round of guests.

Only my brother would make Darth Maul dip to bring to a housewarming picnic... I love that kid.

Doug and David play a rousing round of badminton against Andrew & the Popster... notice the male bonding going on between Dan and my dad (lower right corner).