Your New Apartment = Your New Life
It's a nice spacious place in the basement of a business ... a 15'x15' kitchen (a GREAT kitchen), a 15'x15' living room, a decent sized full bathroom, and a 9'x12' bedroom. Great closet space... all white ceramic tile floors... decent light for a basement apt... central air/ heating... on-site laundry room... off-street parking... full use of the back yard... all utilities included in the rent except cable tv. Pretty sweet deal.
My biggest gripes on the place are that the living room and kitchen are light paneling (i HATE paneling) and there's a slight smell. I'm thinking it might be because they smoke upstairs and some of it has sunk through the ceiling? Not sure. I am going to purchase an air purifier system to help with that (fingers crossed). But overall, it's a lot of apt. for the $$ and definitely the best I've found in New Cumberland thus far. It'll be a nice little home for me for my first year completely on my own!! (not to mention, will be within walking distance of my prospective new job, too...)
I was a little freaked out when I took Dan to see it after picking up the keys and we found a spider in the living room... it was the size of a 50-cent piece and black and disgusting. I made him kill it. He started to scoop up the remains and said, "Oh wow... I think it's a Brown Recluse...." K- "What does that mean?" D- "Nothing, honey." K- "Does that mean it's poisonous?" D- "Yes." To which I started to cry. But we'll make this work and flush out all the creepy crawlies. No worries. Thank goodness for an awesome boyfriend who always seems to be there when I need him most!
I've decided to paint the bedroom (since it's the only dry-wall room in the place), so that's on deck for next week. I need living room furniture and good lighting, mostly, and have everything else. Time to go shopping! I'm looking for something lightly used that's nice and bright... red, perhaps?
More to come in the way of photos as I get settled in... and I'm planning on having a housewarming party/barbeque when the weather gets nice, so be ready to party it up, guys!
In the words of Dan, "Your New Apartment = Your New Life." Here we go!